Stand Together To End Violence: The Moose Hide Campaign and How to Get Involved

The Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led national movement that aims to engage all Canadians in ending violence against women and children.

A Brief History of the Moose Hide Campaign

The Moose Hide Campaign was founded in 2011 by Paul and Raven Lacerte, a father-daughter duo who wanted to make a difference. Since its inception along the Highway of Tears, the campaign has spread across Canada, with thousands of communities and organizations participating in events and joining the annual Moose Hide Campaign ceremony and fast. The widespread support has helped the campaign make significant progress in promoting safe environments for everyone, particularly Indigenous women and children.

The Moose Hide Campaign supports the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry Calls for Justice.

At the campaign’s core is the moose hide pin, a small yet powerful symbol of one’s commitment to ending violence against women and children. By wearing the pin, individuals demonstrate their support and dedication to creating a safer world.

Understanding the Numbers

The Moose Hide Campaign addresses the urgent need to combat violence against Indigenous women and children in Canada. The following statistics illustrate the severity of the issue and the importance of the campaign:

  • Every year, over 60,000 incidents of physical or intimate harm occur against women in British Columbia alone, which amounts to more than 1,000 per week.
  • One in three women will experience some form of intimate harm in her lifetime (Statistics Canada, 2006).
  • In 2014, an average of 7,969 women and children sought refuge in shelters across Canada each day due to unsafe home environments (Statistics Canada).
  • Between 1980 and 2012, there were 1,181 cases of missing or murdered Aboriginal women in Canada, with British Columbia recording the highest number of cases (Native Women’s Association of Canada, 2010). However, grassroots organizations estimate the number to be much higher, closer to 4,000.
  • Indigenous women face a six times higher mortality rate than non-Indigenous women.

These sobering statistics emphasize the urgency of addressing violence against Indigenous women and children in Canada. The Moose Hide Campaign is committed to raising awareness, promoting safe environments and engaging all Canadians in actively addressing this critical issue.

Ways to Get Involved in the Moose Hide Campaign

Community involvement is vital to the success of the Moose Hide Campaign. With the support of institutions like University Canada West and other GUS Canada institutions, the campaign has made significant strides in raising awareness and promoting safer campus communities.

On May 11, 2023, Moose Hide Campaign Day, thousands of individuals will wear their moose hide pins as a sign of unity against gender-based violence. By coming together, communities can make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by violence.

Here are several ways you can support the Moose Hide campaign and make a difference:

  1. Wear a moose hide pin: Show your support and commitment to ending violence against women and children by wearing a moose hide pin.
  2. Participate in Moose Hide Campaign events: Join the annual Moose Hide Campaign Day ceremony and fast, or attend other events organized by the campaign.
  3. Organize or join local events: Engage your community, school, or workplace by organizing or joining local events supporting the Moose Hide Campaign.
  4. Share information and resources: Spread the word about the campaign by sharing information and resources with friends, family, and colleagues.
  5. Pledge to end violence against women and children: Sign up on the Moose Hide Campaign website and make a personal commitment to help end violence against women and children.

By supporting the Moose Hide Campaign, we can make a meaningful impact in the fight against gender-based violence, particularly for Indigenous women and children who are disproportionately affected. Wearing the moose hide pin, attending events, and spreading awareness about the campaign and its objectives help create safer environments for everyone.

Since 2011, over four million pins have been distributed, engaging Canadians from coast-to-coast in a collective movement to stand up against violence toward women and children. Studies have shown that each pin generates five conversations about ending gender-based violence. The four millionth pin symbolizes over 20 million impactful conversations. Wearing the moose hide pin signifies a commitment to honour, respect and protect the women and children in your life and speaks out against gender-based and domestic violence.

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