Daryl Drozda

Daryl Drozda

Top 5 benefits of studying in Canada

Canada is one of the most attractive destinations for students wishing to study abroad. Every year, Canada welcomes hundreds of thousands of international students worldwide. It is known for its world-class education system and various undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate study…

How machine learning can benefit businesses

With all the talk around big data – machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) – organizations are now becoming more aware of the applications and benefits of machine learning in business. Many people have probably heard of machine learning but…

The future of online education

The popularity of online learning has increased over the past decade, and the global online learning market is expected to reach $325 billion by 2025. Online learning offers greater flexibility and access to education, but students and employers also reap…

The significance of Diwali in Canada

Canada welcomes around 300,000 immigrants from around the world every year who bring their traditions and cultures along with them. This contributes to making Canada one of the most diverse countries in the world. In 2016 the South Asian population…

Top 5 real-world IoT applications in 2022

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next phase of the industrial revolution. Technology allows physical devices to be brought into the digital domain. IoT is the fusion of the “real world” with the “digital world,” allowing for accessible communication…

Importance of Sustainable IT

Sustainable IT, also known as Green IT, aims to minimize the negative impact on the environment in all areas of IT operations, including the design, manufacturing, operation and disposal of technology, computers and other computer-related products. It is the practice…